Sunday, November 25, 2012


Woke up today and started the day off with some DDO.  After we finished the quest we were on, I started playing a new game called Eve - it's a spaced based game.  It's really complicated, so we'll see how well I do.

I played that up till the time we left to go to the movies.  We went and saw the last Twilight movie.  Except for the big fight scene near the end, it was a snooze fest for me...but the wife was totally into it, so I guess it wasn't a wasted trip.  We were going to see Skyfall too, but the timing overlapped by just a couple minutes, and the first few minutes of a Bond film is not something to miss.

So, instead we came home and watched some TV.  Two Next Iron Chef Episodes and a cooking show.  After she went to lay down, I watched two Restaurant Stakeouts.  Don't have a big day at work tomorrow, but I do have work, so I do have to get my beauty rest!

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