Thursday, September 20, 2012

Started out as a good day

even with the little headache I had.  (stupid pillow).  Got some work accomplished for a couple of different projects, stopped by Target after work to pick up a couple of things to finish working on my office.

As we were getting ready to have dinner, worked called - I need to go in early for a meeting to deal with an issue.  I'm being 'drafted' I guess is the word, to work on something that someone else can't do in time for the deadline.  There might just be a thing as being too good at your job.

That kind of put a damper on the rest of the evening.  We caught up on Great Food Truck Race, and I logged in to LOTRO, but I didn't play much. My heart wasn't really in it.

I made this update, then went to bed.  I'm no good that early in the morning, but I said I would go, the more fool I.

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