Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Stress - It does a body good

Oh, wait.  That's milk.  Very stressful day today.  Found the rush job I did yesterday, I broke something (copy and paste is my bane!).  Then something else was broken (not my fault, but I should have caught it).  Then the client was all over us to get this done, why is this like that, and just...ugh.  I left early just to clear my head.  Tomorrow I'm going to write up what I'm calling an 'incident report' to document what happened when, and maybe why.  So it doesn't happen again.

We had leftover yesterday for dinner.  I played LOTRO on the laptop and half-watched Dancing with the Stars with T.  After that, we watched a couple episodes of 19 Kids and Counting, then I moved to the main computer to play a little more.

Tomorrow, I have a lot of meetings, so hopefully I'll find the time to write that up.  And hopefully nothing else will go wrong.

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